Children’s Cancer Translational Research

Driving evidence-based improvements in outcomes for children and young people living with and beyond cancer.


Outcomes for 80% of young people diagnosed with cancer have improved in the last five decades. This is because of the development of combination chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. However, not all young people with cancer have seen the same benefits. Young people with some cancers (including metastatic neuroblastoma and Ewing sarcoma) have not experienced this level of improvement and are therefore areas of high unmet need.


Project Team

MRG Lead - Children's Cancer Translational Research
richard bayliss
MRG Lead - Children's Cancer Translational Research
MRG Lead - Children's Cancer Translational Research


Building on the world-leading expertise we have in Leeds, we will use a patient-focussed approach to improve outcomes for children and young people with cancer. We will use our international experience of developing biomarkers and combination treatments to reduce the spread and recurrence of these cancers. Our aims are to:

  • Improve diagnosis by finding new ways of identifying drug resistant cancers which are capable of spreading to other parts of the body from where they first appear.

  • Increase understanding of how drug resistance develops, and identify new drug targets and drugs to overcome this resistance and improve outcomes.

  • Identify new and original combination treatments to reduce common side effects of chemotherapies.

  • Develop new and original treatments for evaluation in early phase clinical trials in Leeds and across the national network of early phase children’s research centres.



Advances In Ewing Sarcoma Research (AESR)

SIOPEN and SIOPEN Liquid Biopsy Group