We profiled a large heterogenous cohort of matched diagnostic-relapse tumour tissue and paired plasma-derived cell free DNA (cfDNA) from patients with relapsed and progressive solid tumours of childhood. Tissue and cfDNA sequencing results were concordant, with a wider spectrum of mutant alleles and higher degree of intra-tumour heterogeneity captured by the latter, if sufficient circulating tumour-derived DNA (ctDNA) was present. Serial tumour sequencing identified putative drivers of relapse,…
Cancer Discov. 2024 Dec 19. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-24-0916. Online ahead of print.
We profiled a large heterogenous cohort of matched diagnostic-relapse tumour tissue and paired plasma-derived cell free DNA (cfDNA) from patients with relapsed and progressive solid tumours of childhood. Tissue and cfDNA sequencing results were concordant, with a wider spectrum of mutant alleles and higher degree of intra-tumour heterogeneity captured by the latter, if sufficient circulating tumour-derived DNA (ctDNA) was present. Serial tumour sequencing identified putative drivers of relapse, with alterations in epigenetic drivers being a common feature. In keeping with epigenetic alterations being a common driver of many childhood cancers, fragmentomics analysis of cfDNA identified tumour-specific epigenetic states and transcription factor binding sites accessible in chromatin. This study leverages a large and well-annotated genomic dataset of aggressive childhood malignancies, identifies genomic and epigenetic drivers of childhood cancer relapse, and highlights the power and practicality of cfDNA analysis to capture both intra-tumoural heterogeneity and the epigenetic state of cancer cells.
PMID:39693475 | DOI:10.1158/2159-8290.CD-24-0916