Lynne is a highly specialist physiotherapist working with children with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, a rare lung condition. Qualifying in 2004, Lynne initially worked in Bradford, an area where PCD is more common than Cystic Fibrosis. With an interest in working with young people with PCD, her MSc research involved understanding their lived experiences. Working with the National PCD physiotherapy colleagues, Lynne has published paediatric PCD physiotherapy standards of care and, established the International PCD Physiotherapy Network, a group which host regular webinars to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking.
Lynne is also a current HEE/NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research fellow based in the POLARIS team at the University of Sheffield. Airway clearance techniques are widely recommended to people with PCD, to help clear mucus from the airways. The techniques used are usually tailored to the individual patient, however there is little research in this area and the tools currently available to assess if the techniques are working are limited. Lynne’s work involves understanding how treatment techniques which are used to help clear mucus from the lower airways are personalised for individuals, and what the effects of the personalised airway clearance regimens are. To do this she is using a mixed methods research approach; cognitive task analysis methods to understand the decision making of physiotherapists, doctors and nurses; a highly sensitive, safe and novel imaging technique which was pioneered by the POLARIS team, Hyperpolarised gas Ventilation MRI, which can allow us to visualise and measure the effects of airway clearance techniques. Her work is informed and guided by her patient and public involvement and engagement group, comprising young people with PCD and their parents. She also seeks guidance from the national PCD support group PCD support UK.
You can follow Lynne: @lmschof